Thursday, April 8, 2010

491 The Special One

Setting Out!

(The scene is at Kumogakure, Raikage prepares to send word about the joint army’s meeting.)

Unnamed chick attendant: Raikage-sama, where should be the rendezvous point?

Raikage: The Fire Country. The Fire Country is situated smack dab in the middle, as in, it is surrounded by all of the great shinobi nations.

Unnamed male attendant: Makes sense lord, and the amount of time it takes for Suna, Kumo, Kiri, and Iwa’s troops to arrive into the Fire country is around three days for each nation’s troops.

Raikage: That’s precisely why I chose the locale in the first place.

Unnamed chick attendant: I’m not sure if Konoha would accept us, even though you’re the commander of the allied forces, there’s still bad blood between Konoha and Kumogakure. I’m not sure if they’d be as accepting Raikage-sama.

Raikage: *Snicker* Idiot, don’t you think I know that?! If my sources are correct, there’s an abandoned city somewhere off the outskirts of Konoha, which also houses a huge armory. It was a base used by the Uchiha during the past wars. If we agree to set up the meeting there, all is fine. Now get on with sending word to the other villages! I gotta get our troops geared up before we set out!

(Both attendants stand up and salute Raikage.)

Both attendants: YES SIR!

(The Scene switches over to Konoha. The War planning session is currently still underway. The panel focuses on the three small tables in use by Tsunade, Koharu, and Homura.)

Koharu: Do we have a solution to combat the Bijuu Uchiha Madara plans to execute on us?

Tsunade: I would say fight fire with fire but- (She gets cut off.)

Homura: NOO! Uzumaki is not to have a say on the battle field! (Close up on the Tsunade, Kakashi, Yamato, Shikamaru and the other people attending the session, shows their unease regarding that answer. The panel focuses back on the elders and Tsunade’s talk.)

Tsunade: *sigh* Let me finish next time. After hearing what happened with Naruto when he almost transformed into the Kyuubi, I’ve also had my doubts about using such a risky and untested power. (Tsunade rests her head on her fist in indecisiveness) But still… YAMATO! (He gets up and rushes to the tables.)

Yamato: Yes, Lady-Sama!

Tsunade: Can you still, somewhat control the Kyuubi’s chakra?

(Homura and Koharu are angered but Tsunade raises her hand as to say, “I got this.”)

Yamato: Well, as you know, I’m nothing like the 1st, so without the crystal dangling around Naruto’s neck, it pretty much goes without saying that I won’t be of much use in that regard.

Tsunade: Hmm… Stay here Yamato. Shikaku, Shikamaru! Up here now!

(Shikaku and Shikamaru rush up to the tables.)

Shikaku: We’re at your service.

Shikamaru: Yes?

Tsunade: If the Bijuu are masses of chakra given form, shouldn’t they also casts shadows, big ones at that?

(The light turns on in their heads.)

Shikaku: That’s true.

Shikamaru: But, the chakra to be able to manipulate something of that size is beyond comprehension. I don’t think the two of us will be able to hack it, especially if there are more of them.

Shikaku: Think a little harder son…

Shikamaru: The entire Nara clan?

Yamato: You’ve thought a lot about this hmm, Lady Tsunade.

Tsunade: That’s where you come in Captain Yamato.

Yamato: But I already said-

Tsunade: If you can stall a Bijuu just long enough for the Nara clan to capture it with their Kage Mane, we can develop a strategy with the other allied forces to take the Bijuu out one by one!

Yamato (in thought): Well, it’s not like I’m controlling them fully. I just hope it’ll work out…

Homura (in thought): Hmm, she got brains after all.)

Kokura (in thought): Can’t say I was expecting that.

Tsunade: It’ll take all we have when we put in our attack, but Shikamaru, I trust you can find a way for all this to work.

Shikaku: Uh oh! You’re on the spot, try not to choke eh?

Shikamaru: What a drag, a slouch like me being this important in my first war. I hope our family listens to me but, I’ll see what I can do!

(Immediately an unnamed shinobi barges into the meeting room.)

Tsunade: What is it? It better be important for you to interrupt us.

Unnamed shinobi: It is, it is! Anko’s team has successfully sent us word on Kabuto’s whereabouts!

Tsunade: That’s good and all, but- (She gets cut off.)

Unnamed shinobi: He was seen with Uchiha Madara, and we believe to have found his base of operation! (Everyone in the room is all in up roar and is discussing the matter amongst themselves.)

Tsunade: Are you serious?!

(Immediately another shinobi barges in, he has a scroll in his arms.)

Tsunde: More shocking news ehh?

Another unnamed shinobi: It was from Kumogakure’s fastest messenger bird! It’s from the Raikage! There is to be a meeting with the joint army in three day’s time. Well, I’ll just hand you the transcript. (He walks over and hands it to Tsunade.)



(The next panel focuses on Kakashi.)

Kakashi (in thought): After nearly two decades, war again.

(The scene switches over to the streets of Konoha. Naruto is walking the streets.)

Naruto (in thought): Hmm, if what grampa and that super-sized sage said about the Octopus being a beast like the Kyuubi, then that Octopus must be the Cloud Jinchuuriki. He’s the only one who escaped capture, well that’s what Gaara said… I’m thinking I’ll have to be close to him, since Gaara said he’d make sure me and that cloud jinchuuriki won’t enter battle. Well, I guess that’s my teacher. I wish I would have came to that point earlier before being asked to be sent here, but I had to get my gear anyway. Well I guess I'll go have another word with super sized sage... (Naruto then rubs his stomach.)

That scroll carrying frog said as long as I don’t perform the seal breaking handsigns, the 4th’s seal should still be intact. But I’m still kinda worried. But what an experience, that scroll carrying toad just shoved himself down my throat. What the hell was that about? (Kakashi appears out of some spoke behind Naruto, Naruto turns around.)

Naruto: Kakashi Sensei?

Kakashi: There you are Naruto!

Naruto: Is something wrong?

Kakashi: I have a lot to tell you, let’s take a walk, shall we?

Naruto: Umm, sure…

(The scene switches over to inside Madara’s Lair. Kabuto is in a cell by himself, sitting at a table.)

Kabuto (in thought): Hopefully those Konoha hounds picked up on my trail. This will make finding us a lot easier. The sooner this war can end, the sooner I can have Uchiha Sasuke at my beck and call…

Next Time: The Allied Forces

491 jeanericuser

491: A chance encounter

Naruto is reading through a scroll while the others look at ancient scrolls. A toad suddenly appears and looks at Naruto with a smile.
Toad: "I found him. You are looking for the 8 tails bijuu."
Naruto: "Eight tails?"
Fukusaku: "That would make sense but are you certain?"
Toad: "Yes the 8 tailed bijuu is an octopus type creature. I have confirmed it myself in the ancient library. The eight tales is definately the one we are looking for."
Fukusaku: "Where is the 8 tails bijuu currently located?"
Toad: "It is currently sealed within a jinchuriki. The jinchuriki is currently in a small cave just outside the cloud village."
Naruto flashes back to meeting Raikage.
Raikage: "A ninja should not be so quick to bow before another. Ninjas respect actions and strength. There should be not compromise between ninjas."
Naruto thinking: "Than I know now what I must do."
Naruto: "Can you teleport me to the cloud village and to their leader?"
Toad: "I will try but I can not be sure exactly on where you will appear exactly."
Fukusaku smiles and hands Naruto a bag.
Fukusaku: "Wear this. I think your Jiraiya would have been proud to see you wearing the garb he once wore as a toad sage."
Naruto: "Thank you."

Naruto is then shown standing in front of all the Toads of Myobuzokan who have come to see Naruto off. Naruto is wearing the same outfit as Jiraiya.
Fukusaku: "Good luck Naruto. I hope this meeting bodes well for you."
Ma Toad: "I have a lunch ready and packed for you."
Naruto: "No thanks. You guys have a dinner on me."
Gamakichi: "Good luck Naruto."
Naruto: "Ok teleport me to the cloud village."

Naruto vanishes in a puff of smoke while the toads look on smiling as Naruto vanishes. Raikage is sitting in front of the war council with many ninjas sitting in front of him writing down notes at tables.

Raikage: "Division 17 your mission will consist of investigating section 15 otherwise known as.."

Suddenly an explosion of smoke occurs and Naruto appears standing in front of Raikage who has an angry look on his face while the others are shocked at what they have just seen. Raikage stands up fuming with anger.

Raikage: "What the! How did he get in here?! Guards seize him! You should not have come here young boy!"
Naruto thinking: "Damn it! This is bad. There goes the element of surprise."

The guards inch closer towards Naruto while Shii who is sitting in the front row looks at Naruto with a curious look. Naruto goes into sage mode and draws out a huge amount of sage energy. Shii's eyes widen in shock as he sees Naruto's chakra skyrocket. The guards jump on him all at once and then suddenly are all sent exploding away with some crashing against the walls and tables of ninjas.

Shii thinking: "His chakra is insane! How can so much chakra exist in one person?!"
Raikage thinking: "Typical strength of a jinchuriki but nothing as skilled as my brother. I will end this right now myself and claim the kyubi for my own."

Raikage charges up raiton armor, pushes his table asside, and charges into to strike Naruto with a raiton powered punch. Naruto easily dodges the punch and slams his fist into the belly of Raikage. Raikage falls over grabbing his stomach in agony as he looks up at Naruto in shock. He sees on Naruto's face a flashback of the fourth hokage and his eyes bulge as he stares in shock.

Fourth Hokage in Raikage's Flashback: "If you fight only for yourself and do not learn to agree to the ideas of others and respect the wishes of others you will never survive the ninja war."
Raikage: "It can't be! The resemblence is uncanny!"
Naruto: "I did not come here to fight you or be dismissed away like some child!"

Raikage slowly tries to get up while looking at Naruto but still stumbles in pain from the hit to the stomach.

Raikage: "Why did you come here?"
Naruto: "I came here to make a trade. An exchange of information. You brother holds the key for me to control the full power of the kyubi."
Raikage: "And what exactly are you willing to give to us in return?"
Naruto: "The means to strike at the heart of akatsuki and Madara Uchiha, the home base of akatsuki and the weaknesses of Sasuke and Madara Uchiha."

Raikage smiles and stands up. He offers naruto his hands who shakes it while looking up at him.
Raikage: "I accept on behalf of the cloud village."
Raikage thinking: "Perhaps maybe I was wrong about this boy. Maybe this brat will be of use in the war effort."

Killer Bee is shown sitting in a cave meditating while his chakra surges around him.

492: War Planning

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

491 killerrabit9

Scene is Tsunade's office.

Tsunade is stuffing her face.

Messanger-nin: Hokage-sama! Message from Kumogakure, the meeting of the joint army is in three days!

Tsunade: Fee fays!

Shizune (face palms): Tsunade-sama, don't talk with your mouth full!

Tsunade: That Raikage, always rushing into things. Right, get me Kakashi!

Shizune: But, Tsunade-sama


Kakashi: Well, its such a relief I don't have to be Hokage.

Tsunade: Sorry Kakashi, but you have no time to celebrate. I'm officially appointing you the new leader of Root. I want you, Sai, and Tenzo to reorganize the group and integrate them with the Hokage's ANBU in preparation for war.

Kakashi (looking sullen) : Um, wouldn't that be more suitable for the ANBU leader?

Tsunade: The Anbu leader is away on a mission. We don't have time to wait and I think despite who your teachers were, ROOT will respect you.

Kakashi: Fine, but this will take all my time, I'm leaving Naruto to you.

Kakashi vanishes.

(flashback ends)

Tsunade: Ur right, I forgot. Send for Shikamaru instead.

Shizune: You heard the Hokage!

Messanger-nin: R- right! (vanishes)

Scene change to Madara's cave. We can see the Gedo Maza

Kabuto: I see, so that's your plan.

Tobi: Once Kisame's done, we'll use your, ah, “friends” to extract the eight-tails.

Kabuto: And while the extraction goes on Sasuke will capture the Nine-tails?

Tobi: Yes.

Zetsu appears from the ground, he is complete again (Zuzuzu).

Zetsu Dark: Are you sure Sasuke can handle Naruto?

Zetsu Light: You've already underestimated him once. Not to mention Sasuke's success rate.

Tobi: I do not think Sasuke will fail this time. He did kill Danzo.

Kabuto: So Danzo's dead, Sasuke has improved...

Zetsu Light: So what's with snake dick?

Zetsu Dark: Would you watch your mouth? However he has a point Tobi.

Tobi: Kabuto has demonstrated that his power would be useful in our struggle.

Zetsu Light: But can we trust him?

Zetsu Dark: That reminds me, some Konoha-nin are near, apparently they followed a trail of corpses...

Tobi: Kabuto, would you initiate our partnership? Take out the trash.

Kabuto: I never agreed to take orders...but one of them interests me. She has been following me for some time. You see I needed some witnesses in case you declined my offer, but now.. (eyes turn really evil) THEY ARE USELESS! (laughs and slithers away).

Tobi: Zetsu, tell me about Kisame.

Zetsu Dark: He successfully infiltrated the cloud village.

Zetsu Light: Only with my help!

Tobi: Good, send a message to him, he is to act as quickly as possible!

Zetsu Light: Wait I thought you wanted him to act slowly and carefully.

Tobi: I changed my mind, Naruto is still incomplete. I want to reduce the chance of them meeting. If Naruto became a complete Jinchuriki, even Sasuke would have trouble.

Zetsu Dark: Good point, oh and one more thing..

Scene change to Tsunade

Shikamaru walks in.

Tsunade: Shikamaru, I hope you're prepared!

Shikamaru: Prepared? For what? (thinking) Something really troublesome is about to happen.

Tsunade: I have here two lists: one of our Ninja squads and one of every foreign squad. I want you to match up the squads. One squad from each village, into groups of 20 ninja. That's an order from your Hokage!

Shikamaru: Um, I'm not familiar with most of these foreign squads.

Tsunade: I've already thought of that. I've selected a foreign kunoichi to work with you. She's familiar with many foreign squads.

The door opens. We see a familiar form in shadow. (I'll give you three guesses)

Scene change to Naruto.

Naruto takes his hand of the scroll.

Naruto (thinking) : I hope this was the right...

Gerotama goes down Naruto's throat.

Naruto (coughing) : What was that?

Fukasaku: Don't worry, Gero is a special toad which lives inside the belly of the user, fer extra protection.

Naruto: Right, I just hope when I summon him he comes out the same way and not out my...

Shima: Naruto! There's a lady present!

Naruto (thinking) : Some lady..

Fukasaku: Ma! Send him home, he needs to be with his village as they prepare for war.

Naruto: Wait, I thought you would train me.

Fukasaku: Na! You're on your own with the Kyuubi. But we'll look for an Octopus for ya!

Shima: If you ever want to eat again, let me know!

Naruto (grossed out) poofs away.

Elder Sage Toad: I think I forgot something.

Fukasaku: Not again.

Elder Sage Toad: Who was that again?

Shima: Uzumaki Naruto you old fart!
Elder Sage: Uzumaki...

Scene change to Naruto in Konoha.

Naruto is back in front of Ichiraku's.

Naruto (thinking) : I really don't wanna eat Granny Toad's cooking again.

Teuchi: Hey, Naruto! Where did you go?

Naruto: Ramen! Yes, huh arrgh. (Naruto collapses)

Naruto is in his mind.

Naruto: What.. why am I here?

Kyuubi: So the time has come...

Naruto turns to face Kyuubi. Gerotama is also there.

Gerotama: This is not how its supposed to happen.

Naruto: Don't worry Gero, I'm not going to let him have his way anymore.

Kyuubi (laughing hysterically): Ha, ha, ha, ha. Who do you think you are?

Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto, the Sage of Mount Myobokuzan! (thinking) That sounded so cool!

Kyuubi: Really? Is that all? What about “Son of the Fourth Hokage” or “Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi”? Or...

Naruto: Or? What do you mean or?

Kyuubi: You don't know who you really are do you? I called you to make a deal. I'll tell you a few secrets about you, and if you still want to have control of my power, I'll give it to you. I'll completely suppress my will. (thinking) But I don't think you'll want to.

Gero: What is he... Naruto think about this!

Naruto: I don't really understand where you're going with this but I really need your power. Its a deal!

What will the Kyuubi tell Naruto? How will Anko do against Kabuto?

Next 492: Reorganization!

Friday, March 26, 2010

489 killerrabit9

Naruto 489: The Slug Princess

(The scene is the Daimyo meeting)

Daimyo: Ah, well erm we can't have two hokages, can we?

Homura: Even if she's awake she can't be in any condition to lead us into war.

Daimyo: That is a good point.

Kakashi: Um, may I point out that we don't know what condition she's in, she is Tsunade after all.

Scene change to Tsunade

Shizune (crying): Tsunade-sama!!!! I never thought...

Sakura runs in.

Sakura (crying) : Sensei! I just heard. We , we thought you'd never wake up.

Tsunade: Well, I guess you were wrong. Now tell me what I've missed.

Sakura and Shizune try to talk to Tsunade by they keep bursting into tears.

Tsunade (thinking) : I guess better get Kakashi.

All of a sudden there's a commotion. Naruto barges in, he's pissed.

Naruto: Tsunade-ba, I heard you were awake! Make this weirdo stop following me!

Sakura punches Naruto.

Sakura: Be more sensetive!

Tsunade: No, its alright, Naruto I wanted to see you. Thank you, for saving the village.

Naruto: Its no problem, I'll do it anytime.

Tsunade: Jirayia would have been so proud.

Naruto: Yeah, and my father too.

Tsunade: Your... father?

Naruto: Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. First, get this crazy person away from me.

Tsunade: Who are you talking about?

A voice: Hey, let go of me!
Shikamaru walks in, he's holding Karin.

Shikamaru: Should you be spying on the hokage?

Karin: I wasn't... I was just trying to find out...

Naruto (pointing at Karin) : Its her! Stop following me!

Tsunade: Who is she?

Sakura: She was traveling with Sasuke, she left him and came back to Konoha with us, Sensei?

Tsunade seems to have gone white. She has a flashback.

Tsunade wakes up in the tent, its night and no one seems to be around.

Tsunade: What happened?

A voice: So she awakes...

Tsunade: Who is it!?

The voice laughs.

Tsunade: I know that laugh, but how, is it you Oro-?

Kabuto steps into view.

Kabuto: I guess you're still a bit addled.

Tsunade: You! I thought I sent someone to kill you.

Kabuto: Tsk, tsk you should be more polite to the person whose giving you life.

Tsunade: Giving me..

Kabuto: Your condition is serious, you should be dead. Fortunately I was able to give you temporary treatment. Enough to awaken and live long enough to do my bidding.

Tsunade: Why you.. how long do I have?

Kabuto: Could be a week, two weeks, two days, I'm not sure. But I really need your help.

Tsunade: Dammit, and why should I trust you?

Kabuto: Because I could easily kill you and the people I've put to sleep to get to you tonight. As I see it I gave you this life so you'll do what I please with it. Don't worry I'm not entirely heartless.

Tsunade: Fine, I'll do what you want but under one condition leave everyone in the leaf village unharmed tonight and tell me what you're up to.

Kabuto: That's not really one condition..

Tsunade: You'd be amazed how hard I can make your life in a few days.

Kabuto: Fine.


Tsunade: But, that's....

Kabuto: Do it, you agreed didn't you?

Tsunade: How will I recognize...?

Kabuto: Naruto will be all the help you need. Oh and try not to let them know I was here.

Tsunade: Huh...why am I...

Kabuto: Well I can't have you awake like this, timing is everything.

Back to present.

Tsunade: Sorry, this girl reminds me of someone. So you were with Sasuke? And he had some other companions right?

Karin: Um, yeah, two in fact.

Tsunade: Right, Naruto! Starting right now you are on a mission to find those companions and bring them to Konaha.

Naruto: But I can't, I have to train!

Tsunade: Naruto, this is an order from your Hokage.

Naurto: I thought Kakashi was...

Tsunade: Not yet he isn't. Also you're taking her with you.

Naruto: You've got to be kidding! She's the one I'm trying to get away from!

Tsunade (to Karin): That's okay with you right?

Karin: Um, I guess. Those guys might be looking for me.

Shizune: Tsunade-sama, aren't you rushing a bit, I mean shouldn't you send a chunin or jounin with them.

Tsunade: Yeah. Shikamaru you're going too.

Shikamaru: But I came here for something else..

Tsunade: One more thing, I'm going to prepare a scroll. You're to meet a jounin in the field. The scroll will order her to suspend her mission and join yours.

Shikamaru: Her? Another girl?

Tsunade: Actually a kunoichi who has experience with Orochimaru and his men.

Karin (thinking): Who could she be talking about?

Naruto: What are you doing? Write that scroll. I need to complete this mission as fast as possible!

Sakura (wearily): Naruto....

What is this new mission? What is Kabuto up to?

Next time, 490: A Tale of Two Chakras

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Naruto chap. 489: A Frightful Reunion!

(Daimyo scene)
Daimyo: So tsunade's awaken from her coma,at last!
Kakashi: If Tsunade-Sama is out of her coma,shouldn't be re-assigned to the Hokage post?
Homura: But Tsunade wasn't able to protect the village from Akatsuki's infiltration,she is of no use as Hokage.
(Kakashi looks at Homura with a distressed look)
Daimyo: True,Tsunade didn't fulfill her job as a Hokage when she was needed the most,so I hereby appoint you,Hatake Kakashi as Hokage!
(Kakashi looks down)
Kakashi: Fine,I accept!
Daimyo: This meeting is hereby adjourned.Return to Konoha to prepare for war at once!
Kakashi: Right.

(Naruto scene)
Naruto: Aaaaah,haven't had a nice meal like this in a long time.
(Naruto hears some villagers talking while running)
Villager #1: Did you hear?Tsunade-Sama's finally awoke!
Villager #2: Really!?Let's hurry over then!
(Naruto's face warms up and starts smiling)
Naruto: So granny woke up,eh.Let's go see her.

(Kakashi scene)
(Kakashi is outside Tsunade's tent.He enters the tent,and finds Tsunade lying down with her eyes closed)
Kakashi: She must be sleeping.I'll come back later.
(Kakashi is about to exit the tent)
Tsunade: I slept enough,come in,i'am awake.
Kakashi: I came to tell you something Tsuande.
Tsunade: What is it!?
Kakashi: The Fire country appointed me as Hokage.
Tsunade: Congratulations!
Kakashi: But i didn't want to take your seat without your permission.
Tsunade: Don't worry about it.I was getting tired of that boring paperwork anyway.
Kakashi: I'am glad your okay with it.I should let you have some rest.
(Kakashi walks out)
(Tsunade in thought) : So i'am finally free.

(Sasuke scene)
(Sasuke's eyes are fully red,with Itachi's Mangekyou in the middle)
Sasuke: Madara!
Madara: What is it!?
Sasuke: I'am going to fight Naruto now!
Madara: Hold on sasuke,now's not the time.Itachi's eyes have just been transplanted to.....
(Madara is cut off)
Sasuke: I SAID NOW!I can kill him now!
Madara: Fine,just don't blame me if you find yourself losing.
Sasuke: I won't lose!
(Zetsu looks at Madara with a worried look on his face)
(Madara grabs Sasuke and warps)

The End

489 naruto's death

Sasuke is laying in bed with his bandages wrapped around his head covering his eyes..
Sasuke:you surpassed me once... (flashback of naruto fighting gaara at the chunin exams protecting him and sakura) you shall never surpass me again

Madara walks into the room
Madara:talking to yourself i see.. hehehehe... your going crazy
Sasuke:shut up and leave me alone i still need time to heal
Madarak as you wish... madara walks out the room thinking to himself
The shinobi world shall bare witness to the destiny of light & darkness, senju vs uchiha, naruto vs sasuke..... hehehehe.. fools a fight to the death... i might have to stop sasuke to save naruto... i need him to syncwith gedo mazo but i can't replace a bijuu...

switch scence to sand village
Gaara:temari i want you to put together a team and head out for the hidden leaf village and guard naruto
Temari:yes sir

switch scence to the hidden mist village

Mizukage:Ao im sending you and your squad to help assit in the protection of their jinchuriki
Ao:are u crazy but the hyuuga(he gets interupted)
Mizukage:im well aware of that but even so we must protect that boy at all cost but if something were to go wrong do what u must and come back here to the village

switch scence to konoha
Tsunade:naruto i have already been informed of whats been happening and if what shika maru tells me is true you'll all need to prepare and train and become stronger we don't have much time..shizune bring the forbidden scrolls and givr them to kakashi..kakashi and yamato i'll leave the rest up to you
Kakashi:i promise we wont fail you(kakashi notice the serious look on naruto's face)
Naruto:i will do this on one condition
Tsundae:what is it?
Naruto:konohamaru is to accompany me for trainning
Kakashi:no he'll just get in the way
naruto:no he(iterupted by tsunade)
Tsunade:so be it konohamaru is also going

switch scence to konoha jail cell

Sakura:has sasuke ever talked about us? its been so long and he seems so different? and did he really kill his brother?...
Karin:not really.. he's changed so much i sensed dark entity controllong him.... sasuke once told me he could never forgive himself for killing his brother but said he finally understands why his brother wanted to die by his hands...
Sakura:why was that
Karin:to make him strong.. sasuke said after he avenges his clan he wishes to die by the hand of friend to prove to prove to him he's strong enough to rid this world of his pain and hatred and become HOKAGE!!!!
(Sakura with a shocked expression on her face)

switch scence to sasuke

as a dark entity stands in sasukes shadow sasuke begins to remove his bandages slowly open his eyes they start 2 glow bright red with blood lust as the era of vengence begins

489 The Special One

-Tsunade’s Recovery

(The scene starts off in Konoha… Naruto and Iruka are enjoying bowls of Ramen at Ichiraku.)

Iruka: As always, as of late, we haven’t had much time to talk to together (Iruka smiles).

Naruto: Oh, uh, sorry, it’s just I’ve been really busy…

Iruka: That’s fine. (Iruka puts his hand on Naruto’s shoulder.) I’m proud of you. Saving the village from the likes of Pain, if Jiraiya was here, I’m certain he’d feel the same way that I, as well as the villagers feel… (Naruto shrugs off.) Is something wrong Naruto?

Naruto: Well, that’s not how Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji, and the others feel.

Iruka: Hmm?

Naruto: I mean about Sasuke… I know in my heart that what I’m doing is right, but-(Naruto gets cut off).

Iruka: You’ll pull through, you always do…

Naruto: Iruka sensei…

Naruto (in thought): It’s more than just wanting to stop Sasuke from harming the village and be able to know that I did… I need the power to do so, but at this moment, I’m just not-(Iruka starts talking.)

Iruka: Your ramen will get cold if you don’t eat up…

Naruto: Oh, uh, yeah… Thanks… (Naruto starts to chow down. Immediately, Sakura appears behind Iruka and Naruto, and is ready to tell them of something important.)

Sakura: Iruka sensei! Naruto! HURRY, YOU GUYS HAVE TO COME WITH ME! (Naruto turns his head to face Sakura.)

Naruto: What is it? Can’t it wait? I’ll get to it when I’m done eating… (While Sakura grunts, Naruto turns around and stuffs his face with more ramen, immediately Sakura knocks Naruto upside the head, which causes him to start to choke on his food…) AWWK! AWWK!

Iruka: *Sigh.*

Sakura: It’s Tsunade Sama, I’ve heard that she’s awaken… (Naruto and Iruka turn around to face Sakura… They both have an amazed and shocked look on their faces. The scene switches over to a forested area. The unnamed Konoha shinobi that went to break up Kakashi’s appointment, the two unnamed Anbu, Kakashi, Homura, and Koharu are rushing from the Fire Capital to Konoha.)

Koharu: Hatake, was it really necessary for you to leave the Capital?

Kakashi: Is asking such a question even necessary? This is Tsunade we’re talking about.

Homura: Kohura and I, as advisors, will be enough to inform the lady of her terms. All you need to do is await appointment…

Unnamed shinobi (in thought): Those elders don’t in the least bit sound happy about the Lady’s recovery.

Homura (in thought): So, the Slug Queen awakens… This will put our political climate in quite the predicament. Hopefully, Koharu has my back on this one. (Homura glances over at Koharu, she nods her head as to suggest that an agreement between them is valid.)

Kakashi (in thought): I see, so that’s how things are. Those two, what could they be planning?

(The scene switches back over to Konoha. The scene is outside Tsunade’s cabin. There is a huge crowd gathered outside. Naruto, Sakura, and Iruka make it to the location.)

Sakura: SEE! I told you Naruto! Because of you we have to push our way through!

Naruto: SORRY! I was on a full stomach! (Naruto and Sakura are walking forward, however, the two of them are taken off guard when they picked up on that Iruka is just standing behind them.)

Hey! Aren’t you coming to see granny too!

Iruka: Nahh, I’ll pass… Don’t worry, I’d be kinda off not to see her, but I’ll wait until the crowd dies down. Don’t let me slow you two down.

Naruto: Uh, ok! (Sakrua pulls Naruto by his hand and drags him through the crowd.)

Sakura: Naruto let’s go!

Naruto: Ok, ok, ok! Just don’t grip my hand so tightly!

(Through the crowd, people are glad to see Naruto.)

Some kid: Hey mama, it’s Naruto!

Some man: Naruto, how ya doin man?

Some woman: Hey, over here! You’ve come to see Lady Tsunade too!

(While continuously being dragged through the crowd, Naruto still tries to wave back.)

Naruto: Oh umm… Hi ALL! (Sakura squeezes his arm tighter.) OUCH!

Sakura: There’s no time for this Naruto! (While being pulled through the crowd by Sakura, the rookies can be seen among the crowd standing with their clansmen with the exception of Shikamaru. Both Naruto and Sakrua notices that Kotetsu and Izumo [they don’t notice Naruto and Sakura arriving though] are there standing guard in front of the door… )

Izumo: I think my vocals are going to give out… Can you handle this one?


(As Naruto and Sakura reaches the door, she let’s Naruto go, and Naruto falls to the ground…)

Naruto: Sakrua, jeesh!

Sakura: C’mon, you have to let us see Tsuande Sama…

Kotetsu: Ahh, if it isn’t Naruto?

Izumo: Actually, the Lady has been waiting for you two.

(Sakrua tears up.)

Sakrua: Really? LET’s GO NARUTO! (She grabs Naruto’s arm again.)

Naruto (in thought): Not again… (Dragging Naruto, Sakura bursts into the door. Shizune, Shikamaru, and the unnamed medical ninja are present.)

Shikamaru: Gosh you’re late… Don’t bother running her ears off, I already told her everything that’s going on.

(Sakura starts to cry, she starts wiping her face.)

Sakura: Master, I, I…

Naruto: Granny… (Slight tear up.)

Tsunade: Going by your faces, you two make it seem like I’m still in a coma. (Sakura looks really pathetic, snot running from her nose, tears flowing like a river, and she’s biting her lip to stop herself from moaning.)

Sakrua: *Sob.*

(Shizune has a rest assured face on… Shikamaru looks annoyed yet looks somewhat joyful…)

Next Time: How will the Hokageship go down?