Friday, March 26, 2010

489 killerrabit9

Naruto 489: The Slug Princess

(The scene is the Daimyo meeting)

Daimyo: Ah, well erm we can't have two hokages, can we?

Homura: Even if she's awake she can't be in any condition to lead us into war.

Daimyo: That is a good point.

Kakashi: Um, may I point out that we don't know what condition she's in, she is Tsunade after all.

Scene change to Tsunade

Shizune (crying): Tsunade-sama!!!! I never thought...

Sakura runs in.

Sakura (crying) : Sensei! I just heard. We , we thought you'd never wake up.

Tsunade: Well, I guess you were wrong. Now tell me what I've missed.

Sakura and Shizune try to talk to Tsunade by they keep bursting into tears.

Tsunade (thinking) : I guess better get Kakashi.

All of a sudden there's a commotion. Naruto barges in, he's pissed.

Naruto: Tsunade-ba, I heard you were awake! Make this weirdo stop following me!

Sakura punches Naruto.

Sakura: Be more sensetive!

Tsunade: No, its alright, Naruto I wanted to see you. Thank you, for saving the village.

Naruto: Its no problem, I'll do it anytime.

Tsunade: Jirayia would have been so proud.

Naruto: Yeah, and my father too.

Tsunade: Your... father?

Naruto: Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. First, get this crazy person away from me.

Tsunade: Who are you talking about?

A voice: Hey, let go of me!
Shikamaru walks in, he's holding Karin.

Shikamaru: Should you be spying on the hokage?

Karin: I wasn't... I was just trying to find out...

Naruto (pointing at Karin) : Its her! Stop following me!

Tsunade: Who is she?

Sakura: She was traveling with Sasuke, she left him and came back to Konoha with us, Sensei?

Tsunade seems to have gone white. She has a flashback.

Tsunade wakes up in the tent, its night and no one seems to be around.

Tsunade: What happened?

A voice: So she awakes...

Tsunade: Who is it!?

The voice laughs.

Tsunade: I know that laugh, but how, is it you Oro-?

Kabuto steps into view.

Kabuto: I guess you're still a bit addled.

Tsunade: You! I thought I sent someone to kill you.

Kabuto: Tsk, tsk you should be more polite to the person whose giving you life.

Tsunade: Giving me..

Kabuto: Your condition is serious, you should be dead. Fortunately I was able to give you temporary treatment. Enough to awaken and live long enough to do my bidding.

Tsunade: Why you.. how long do I have?

Kabuto: Could be a week, two weeks, two days, I'm not sure. But I really need your help.

Tsunade: Dammit, and why should I trust you?

Kabuto: Because I could easily kill you and the people I've put to sleep to get to you tonight. As I see it I gave you this life so you'll do what I please with it. Don't worry I'm not entirely heartless.

Tsunade: Fine, I'll do what you want but under one condition leave everyone in the leaf village unharmed tonight and tell me what you're up to.

Kabuto: That's not really one condition..

Tsunade: You'd be amazed how hard I can make your life in a few days.

Kabuto: Fine.


Tsunade: But, that's....

Kabuto: Do it, you agreed didn't you?

Tsunade: How will I recognize...?

Kabuto: Naruto will be all the help you need. Oh and try not to let them know I was here.

Tsunade: Huh...why am I...

Kabuto: Well I can't have you awake like this, timing is everything.

Back to present.

Tsunade: Sorry, this girl reminds me of someone. So you were with Sasuke? And he had some other companions right?

Karin: Um, yeah, two in fact.

Tsunade: Right, Naruto! Starting right now you are on a mission to find those companions and bring them to Konaha.

Naruto: But I can't, I have to train!

Tsunade: Naruto, this is an order from your Hokage.

Naurto: I thought Kakashi was...

Tsunade: Not yet he isn't. Also you're taking her with you.

Naruto: You've got to be kidding! She's the one I'm trying to get away from!

Tsunade (to Karin): That's okay with you right?

Karin: Um, I guess. Those guys might be looking for me.

Shizune: Tsunade-sama, aren't you rushing a bit, I mean shouldn't you send a chunin or jounin with them.

Tsunade: Yeah. Shikamaru you're going too.

Shikamaru: But I came here for something else..

Tsunade: One more thing, I'm going to prepare a scroll. You're to meet a jounin in the field. The scroll will order her to suspend her mission and join yours.

Shikamaru: Her? Another girl?

Tsunade: Actually a kunoichi who has experience with Orochimaru and his men.

Karin (thinking): Who could she be talking about?

Naruto: What are you doing? Write that scroll. I need to complete this mission as fast as possible!

Sakura (wearily): Naruto....

What is this new mission? What is Kabuto up to?

Next time, 490: A Tale of Two Chakras

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